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industrial engineering recruitment

Interview Tips



  • Research the company: Interviewers will be keen to find out how enthusiastic you are about working for their company and are likely to ask what you know about them, why do you want to work for them and why you would be a good fit. Read their website, Linkedin page, reviews from employees and customers on google, facebook, indeed, glassdoor etc. and look for any recent news articles. 


  • Know the job: you should already have a good idea about what the job involves, what your duties would be, hours of work, salary etc. Ask your recruitment consultant for as much information as possible. Be prepared to tell the interviewer what you know about the position, what experience you have that could be relevant and why you will be suitable. 


  • Know what to expect: Who will be interviewing you and what format the interview will take. An interview with Human Resources is likely to be more formal and less technical than an interview with the Engineering Manager. Will you need to bring anything such as certificates, will you be required to take any tests, how long is it likely to last. What the interview process is, will there be 2nd interviews, assessment days, trial days.  


  • Know where to go: Check the address and the route, where to park or nearest stops if using public transport. If it is a large site will you need to allow more time for parking. Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes before. If you have any requirements such as wheelchair access, ask about this and plan accordingly. 


  • Prepare answers: Think about what questions you are likely to be asked, how you will answer and what examples you can give from your current or previous jobs. When giving examples use the STAR method – describe the Situation, Task, Action and Result. If you don’t have experience in certain areas think about transferable skills you have or times when you have shown the ability to learn and adapt. Think about your strengths and weaknesses. 


  • Prepare questions: Think about relevant questions to ask about the company and the job, such as asking about the current team and how you would fit in, what challenges they face, what it would take to succeed in the role, what future opportunities are there. Avoid asking about salary at this stage and try to avoid asking anything you should already know when you applied for the job.  


The Interview 


  • Arrival: arrive 10-15 minutes early, be polite to everyone you meet, turn off your phone and if nervous practice breathing techniques. 


  • Non verbal communication: dress appropriately for the interview, firm handshake at the beginning and end, sit / stand up straight, smile and maintain eye contact.


  • Listening: listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying, make sure they know you are listening and understanding, they may answer your questions before you have chance to ask. Listen to what else is going on, waiting in reception, hearing other employees or customers. 


  • Talking: don't talk too much, provide clear and accurate answers and keep it relevant. Don’t interrupt and only ask questions at appropriate times. Always talk positively, don’t focus on the negative aspects of other jobs or complain about managers, customers or colleagues. 


  • End of the interview: thank the interviewer for their time and ask if there is anything else they need from you. Remain positive, even if you think the interview did not go as well as you had hoped. Try not to appear desperate, remember the 3 Cs – cool, calm and confident and remember interviews are a 2 way process. 

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