Our Candidate Charter is our promise to you, we know how difficult and stressful job hunting can be and are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of service.
We will always be honest and open about what we can do and what services we can provide
We treat everyone with respect and adhere to our EDI policy
Work with you to find out what you are looking for and advise on suitable opportunities
We will provide as much help and support as possible, e.g. current job market trends, salaries and help with cv writing, interviews and handling offers and counter offers
We will provide you with as much information as possible about any suitable employers and vacancies including company names
We will only submit your details to a company with your written permission
Respect your desire for privacy and confidentiality
Provide a dedicated account manager who will be available outside normal business hours
As a member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) we adhere to their code of conduct
We are ICO registered and comply with all data protection legislation
We will keep provide regular updates and inform you immediately of any developments including cv or interview feedback
Provide advice and support throughout and after the process